How do sports teams travel

They have two Boeing s, to be precise, which they bought in While players are tasked with packing their own bags, including personal equipment and pads, the team carries the rest of the equipment. Teams pack based on the weather. They also have to bring extra equipment. The training staff brings medical equipment and supplies in case of emergencies, too.

More professional suppliers will bring consistency across continents, and critically provide transparent budgeting with increased buying power with hotels and transportation providers. Trains, planes, hotels, motels — all the same thing, right? Far from it. With so much at stake when guiding your teams around the world, you need to ensure the people in charge of logistics get everything right, down to the finest detail read this behind-the-scenes account by one of our own.

Timing, preferences, routes, reliability; all critical to the successful movement of people. If those organizing your team travel are stressed, your team will be too. Precise planning will lead to calm organizers guiding your people through a stress-free experience. The world is an unpredictable place at the best of times, but especially so nowadays.

Access to private terminals and local airports. When choosing to charter an aircraft for your group we can arrange to fly from a private terminal, therefore avoiding commercial airports and vastly reducing the number of touchpoints and surfaces as well as face to face interaction, greatly reducing any potential infection risk.

Private terminals sometimes allow for direct airside access of the team bus to arrive with minimal time before departure, further minimising your team's contact with the public. In certain locations, we can implement an off-site check-in, limiting even further the amount of time that your team spends at the airport.

Should you not wish to operate an off-site check-in, we can also implement measures including the use of every other check-in desk, ensure check-in and security staff are fully compliant with PPE measures and temperature checks prior to boarding. Deep sanitising of the aircraft and onboard PPE. We work closely with our Safety and Security division providing us with the most up to date processes for ensuring safe travel throughout Covid Thus, by the time they fly to Dallas for their next road trip on Nov.

TSA-authorized representatives screen players and staff remotely to expedite the preflight process. It's more convenient to take trains or buses, but the Transportation Security Administration makes the pesky security process a little easier for NFL teams. All airlines hire TSA-trained screening companies that supply the personnel and equipment to properly screen the travelers. An wheeler leaves after Friday's practice in order to arrive late Friday night or early Saturday morning.

The team can then set up shop remotely for what is usually about a hour stay. The truck contains players' equipment, of course, but also training supplies and AV and sideline communication equipment. That's protocol for the Ravens—unless they're traveling to the West Coast. In those cases, they fly it all in the belly of the aircraft, hope they didn't leave anything behind and arrange for ground handling and transportation at the arrival airport.

And they frequently cut it close. For a Sunday matinee, they often land Saturday afternoon, have meetings, eat dinner and hit the sack by an 11 p. There's usually a religious service and a meal in the morning, and then they bus to the stadium, bus from there to the airport and touch down at home before the fourth quarter of the Sunday Night Football game.

Major ones, like when the Ravens suddenly had to leave for San Diego three days early in —Hurricane Isabel was bearing down on the beltway, and Eller and his colleagues had to scramble to arrange flights and buses, extend reservations and find a place to practice. And minor ones, too, like what they'll encounter during the holidays this season.

The hotel choices were wide open for the former trip, but the latter provided a unique planning experience for Eller and Co. The Ravens decided to go off the beaten path and avoid the New Year's Eve party scene by staying outside the city.


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