How does android market enabler work
There find the Google Play Store and click on select it. Clear data. Now go to the system settings of the device and go to the applications option. Now restart the device. Turn your wifi or cellular data ON. You will have to enable the working proxy of the same country as that of the market. Click the edit button next to proxy for the applications button and select Google Play Store and then click ok. Now for getting a working proxy, you will have to choose the country from the list of proxy servers and click fetch proxy for the best available proxy for your country.
Now you have to download any app or update an application to active the sync option. It is a critical step. Wait till the sync process is completed. It can take some time depending on your internet bandwidth and the load on the server. Sometimes it can take several hours to complete the process. Now open the play store, and you should notice that paid apps and region locked apps are now unlocked.
Now turn OFF the airplane mode at this moment. To make it work in all over the world follow the following steps. First of all, make sure Amazon Appstore app is installed or otherwise the option will not appear. Firstly head over to the Proxy tab in the Android Market unlocker. Now click the edit icon which is next to the Proxy to the applications and select Amazon app store and now click ok.
Configure the proxy settings i. Now turn On the option named as Enable Proxy. Now use the Amazon app store and enjoy. Automatic Settings What if you wanted to set the proxy for Every app in your phone?
Head towards Proxy tab. Please make sure that you are using the USA proxy server first. Turn ON the option Enable Proxy. Now the proxy server applies to all applications and server. To restore original market Simply go to the home tab and press back to default market or turn off the option Enable Market and reboot the phone. Why is it not included?
Q: I cannot connect after Enabling proxy option. Q: After enabling the proxy still no content showing in the store why? Prev Article. Next Article. Related Articles. Here is a very simple guide on How to center Instagram ….
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The content of the Play Market is intended for installation on devices with Android support. The only thing required was root access. However, Market Enabler is not working anymore… Help!!! Step 1: Considering your phone is already rooted, download market enabler from this link. Step 3: Download Tun. To select. In most cases, I can get apps just using that, but in some cases, I additionally need to use a proxy, such as ProxyDroid.
There appears to be a workaround with this app and the latest version of the Market that may work for you:. There's a trick. However, paid apps still cannot be bought. But you can get the free apps some of them don't appear because they have an in-app payment system. There are alternate market enabler apps that might work, like this one:.
It can be downloaded directly in case you can't get it through the market. If that doesn't work, you could try different versions of the Android Market, starting with the latest, like Matthew Read suggested.
You could also try older versions of the Market Enabler app itself. You'll have to Google around for those. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Market enabler not working anymore?? Ask Question.
Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Active 9 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 10k times.