How does vampire knight guilty end

You are not connected. Please login or register. Vampire Knight Ending Thoughts [Page 1 of 1 ]. Message [Page 1 of 1 ]. Permissions in this forum: You cannot reply to topics in this forum. Posts : 39 Gender : Join date : Hey guys! So if you don't know the last chapter of Vampire Knight just came out! Now the great thing is it is OUT but the not so great thing is that this Matsuri Hino classic has finally ended.

Zero is dead as he was not a pure vampire and Yuki has happily spent her life with him. Dave Baranyi. The End of Vampire Knight Guilty spoilers. Reply to author. Report message as abuse. Show original message.

Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. I just watched the final episode of "Vampire Knight Guilty" and I was quite happy with the way that the anime concluded. The main plot line was resolved definitively, all of the major loose ends were tied up, and all of the major characters made decisions regarding their futures. And the mood was maintained in keeping with the overall melancholic feeling of the entire series.

I think she did well by going with Kaname, aside from the fact that she loves him, he is extremelly devoted and protective of her, and of course in love with her. I could see how a relationship with zero would have been possible as well, but i think it might have been harder, as Zero seems to still hate the vampiric part of himself and vampires in general. Also swearing to kill yuuki if they ever meet again- although wether or not he intends to go throught with this is unknown.

Zero loved Yuuki so much, he let her go. Sometimes love is forbidden, and one must fulfill their duty over their true love, sucks but one cannot be selfish dharma.

I like your interpretation! You know, I actually really liked the series which is why I was curios to read the responses it got. I thought all of the characters and their conflicts were incredibly satisfying, which is why it was hard to pick a favorite between Kaname and Zero, though I would have to say I lean towards Zero.

Until I read these responses, and found out that she kissed Zero in the end of the magna, I thought it was obvious she chose Kaname. Zero gave her the option to maintain a relationship with him by choosing to regard her as human in spite of it all. Her humanity outweighed classification to him at this point. She was the one that decided to give him evidence he couldnt ignore, by taking his blood, an action which he thought quite hypocritically was revolting.

It seems like she wanted to separate their worlds. But since she kissed him, maybe she did this to make it easier for him to get over her perhaps?

Who knows their not real people. This to me was hardcore evidence that Kaname was the one she chose. Especially since she continually said she loved Kaname and never admitted to any feelings for Zero. They changed the ending of the first arc in this episode. She hits him with Artemis and Zero gives the final blow.

They fight because Kaname is furious he turned his gun on Yuki. He leaves so Zero and Yuki can talk, Zero bites and kisses Yuki, and then makes his promise to kill her next time they meet after telling her to go with Kaname. She responds by saying she will run to give him a reason to live. She was actually so heartbroken over losing him, especially after realizing what the kiss meant. She realized he loved her but their relationship was shattered.

So while it may have been frustrating to watch Yuki not really choose one of the two boys, it actually matches what happens in the manga. She was torn up because the friend she had known and protected and trusted for years now saw her as an enemy.

She chose to go with Kaname because she does love him; she knew how she felt about Kaname. I hated that he said he saw his friends as pawns. I am still not sure if that was true. I like to think he does care for them, especially Ichijo, but if he needs to use them in order to protect Yuki, he will. I also was annoyed when he said everything went just as he knew it would. He protected her in the most roundabout ways. While I understand and admire his protective instincts, the ways he did it were so risky.

I also hate how Kaname taunted Zero all the time about his status as a vampire and a pawn. Sure, Zero got in his jabs and showed contempt for Kaname, but Kaname knew what was happening and probably knew how Zero felt. They both were! I know Zero had his moments of brutish behavior, but I never felt like he was emotionally bullying anyone. Zero has some growing to do, to come to terms with his vampire nature and his natural skills as a hunter. He needs to learn not all vampires are bad.

That is probably partly why she left with Kaname. I would love to see more seasons since the manga is done, especially since we get to see Aido question his loyalty to Kaname and actually side with Yuki over Kaname. By: camille parrett on October 23, at pm. However I do believe Zero would do the same.

I hope if this anime ever comes out with season 3 that Zero does not kill Yuuki as from my point of view it would mess up the entire thing, but if he was able to kill Kaname that would make it somewhat better….. How ever I highly doubt that would ever happen. Overall I think Kaname is the better choice for Yuuki, not just because it was supposed to be that way but also because of his attitude toward the whole thing.

Zero on the other hand is very iffy on whether or not he would kill Yuuki, but again I highly doubt it. I know I went crazy lol….. I feel wossy I totaly cried at the last scene with Zero.

How he was remembering the old days when Yuki would stop the day class from the night class. Any way since its people who have bI hav these weird een in touch with the manga I think there is a good possibility Zero and Yuki could bring back their non angry relationship.

If u hav no idea what im talkin about check the latest chapters.


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