What is the difference between bunnies and hares

When rabbit-mother leaves the nest, she covers the bunnies with more hair and dead plants to keep them warm and hidden from enemies. Kittens -- new born rabbits a b Leverets -- new born hares c d.

Hares are generally larger, and have longer hind legs then rabbits and longer ears with characteristic black markings. The skulls of rabbits and hares are also different. Rabbit's fur coat remains its color year-round, while hares change color from grayish brown in summer to white in winter.

Rabbits and hares have different diets. If rabbits prefer soft stems, grass or vegetables, hares eat more hard food: bark and rind, buds, small twigs and shoot. Jacob Apr 10, I am going to have a pet bunnie some day,also I love bunnies and hares. Apr 10, Sam Apr 10, Awesome, Sam! Mar 29, Hi, Lil! How are you doing? Luna Mar 29, Hi Luna! How did you like this Wonder? I really love bunnies because they are so cute and i think that they should not be used as foods.

Mar 10, Hi, ahriana! They are adorable! We're glad you liked this Wonder! Maliha Mar 15, I like bunnies because they are so cute and they're not used to food. Mar 17, Hi, Maliha! Thanks for joining the discussion! We're glad you liked this Wonder, too!

Gwen Durham Mar 16, Hi I own a rabbit and I show her at 4H. Mar 16, Very cool! What's her name? Madi Jan 5, Jan 6, Hi, Madi!

It's always fun learning something new! Oct 24, Hi, jack! That's very far! Everyone is different, so it depends. Oct 4, Kimberly Sep 24, I used to have a adorable little rabbit who had 7 bunnies! You shouldve seen them they were the cutest! Sep 27, Sep 20, Jaiden Sep 15, That's cool, daylynn! Thanks for sharing!

I still don't get what's the difference between those too their both fluffy they just share the same things about each other it dosen't make any sense i just dont get it. Sep 10, Borrmann Sep 3, Hope Sep 10, Sep 5, Travon Jul 31, Aug 3, Jun 20, Jess Apr 27, Wonderopolis Apr 27, Wonderopolis Apr 13, Aug 25, Hi, emery!

Bunnies are supper cute! Thanks for commenting! Wonderopolis Mar 11, Hi, bree! We do, too! UnknownPerson Jan 4, Wonderopolis Jan 4, Sydney Apr 28, Rabbits are capable of running, for sure, but their main advantage is their ability to hide. Since rabbits have burrows they can escape to, their main defense when faced with predators is to find a way to get back to their burrow and hide, rather than long distance running.

Both rabbits and hares have seasonal shedding patterns. They will grow a thick fur coat for winter and then a thinner coat for summer. Hare coats usually change significantly more in color than rabbit coats though. In winter rabbits will typically grow a coat that is only a little lighter or greyer than their vibrant summer coat. On the other hand, hares especially those living in cold environments usually turn white in the winter.

When it comes to daily life, rabbit and hare behavior is very different. Hares are very isolated animals and spend most of their time alone. They live above ground and fend for themselves. There is rarely any need to cooperate with other hares. Rabbits, on the other hand, live in family warrens and can have a very complex social structure. They live together underground and form a little society that depends on their cooperation.

There is usually a hierarchy of rabbits leading up to the most dominant rabbit in the warren. Rabbits are also very territorial. Their ears also play an integral role in helping the rabbit to regulate their body temperature, preventing heat stroke and hypothermia. Wild rabbits can do very well with winter temperatures. Their thick, fluffy coats make it much easier for them to withstand the cold temperatures. Unfortunately these rabbits have to compete for food resources.

Many wild rabbits are unable to make it through the winter for this reason. Track them by looking out for tufts of fur caught in brambles and barbed wire, or their droppings on the ground, which resemble those of a rabbit, but are larger, with a slightly tapered end.

The best time to spot hares is either first thing in the morning or early evening. Larger than a rabbit, a hare has proportionally longer ears and back legs than a rabbit. Its ears have a black tip. While hares live singly or in very loose groups, rabbits live in colonies of several dozen animals with strict hierarchies and social groups within the colony. In order to get full nutritional value out of its grass and herb food, a rabbit or hare must pass it through its system twice — it eats its own droppings.

This method is known as refection.


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