What should we call tumblr

Our pleasure! Your email address will not be published. Why is it called Tumblr? A fun drawing situated among fan letters.

Lauren Cosgrove. Comments Interesting! Thanks for sharing. Here the readers will find reposts of funny observations from Twitter, YouTube and other social media. Some of them are really hilarious and worth sharing with friends. As it is seen from the title, this blog is about such strange creatures as Accidental Chinese Hipsters. Funny Asians are waiting for you! Moustair demonstrates the superb Photoshopping skills of its author who takes photos of famous people with moustaches and then glues together a copy of the face into their moustaches.

The photo comes as if the moustache is now the hair, which looks absolutely ridiculous. See the example below. Fake Science is an awesome collection of old posters with funny texts. It is hard to say whether they have any relation to science, still most of them are bizzare and funny. Follow this blog to recieve the updates first. Top entries this week. Search Interest. Latest Editorial And News.

Recent Videos There are no videos currently available. Add a Video. Add an image. Tags reaction tumblr gifs reaction gifs whatshouldwecallme subgenre single topic blogs notables of single topic blogs of Add a Comment. View More Comments. Many of the situations which are put forward in the meme set, while creatively assembled, are ultimately generic so that they can be circulated on Tumblr to connect with others.

Consequently, posts abound about social rituals of excessive drinking, struggling through university, and inadequacies in flirting technique. However, I note that these generic posts are still specific at the same time, requiring a highly discerning ability to capture and narrativise affective moments from diverse, miscellaneous pop culture material.

I emphasise that it is this situated knowingness that comes through in the meme set in general, particularly in the follower memes. Whilst the revelation of inner emotional truths have otherwise been considered key in the practice of authenticity in celebrity culture Biressi and Nunn; Hesmondalgh and Baker , I propose that in the context in which this meme set is situated, this is not necessarily the most useful form of social currency. Rather, remix cultures provide a means of demonstrating insider knowledge, which connects other insiders—a form of authentic belonging.

This paper has traced differing practices of feminine authenticity visible in the intersection of social network and remix cultures on Tumblr by examining the WSWCM meme set. In contrast, the follower memes perform cultural and affective knowingness of youthful femininity, to assert their digital insider status—and right to belong. This meme set presents some productive questions through which to think through authenticity in digital cultures.

Could striving for authentic belonging constitute one strategy of responding to a media-saturated culture, where authentic individuality is constantly elevated yet perhaps harder to achieve? These blogs demonstrate how the significance and practice of authenticity transforms in managing different configurations of social desires to belong, or be recognised as individual and original in postfeminist digital cultures.

Beer, David, and Roger Burrows. Burkhalter, Byron. Marc A. Smith and Peter Kollock. London: Routledge, Casserly, Meghan. Cover, Rob. Dobson, Amy Shields. Donath, Judith. Fink, Marty, and Quinn Miller. Keller, Jessalynn Marie. Lunden, Ingrid. Negra, Diane. What a Girl Wants?

Fantasising the Reclamation of Self in Postfeminism. Nunn, Heather, and Anita Biressi.


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