What makes you a nineties kid

For the record… if you were born in ahem you distinctly remember ET and renting the VCR at blockbuster to rent it! Smurf again… we were the ones watching Madonna my first ever cassett tape… in the 80s , Prince, MJ, Cyndi Lauper, Duran-Duran we wanted those songs played at our funerals , etc….

Oh my California Raisins, you just brought back so many great memories! I remember watching ET, as well as Ghostbusters, at my first sleepover and yes watching Back to the Future in the theater, as well as everything else you mentioned.

Those things were my childhood! I like how your title put it…we were 80s kids who came of age in the 90s. You are aware that the 90s was technically the decade when the internet came about, right? As much as they can claim they can. As someone who was born in and remembers plenty of things from before I beg to differ.

Not to mention that there is still another half of the decade full of memories that our childhood was all about! As someone up above put it those of us born in were 80s kids who came of age in the 90s. I was born in Part of the micro generation, called Xennial. Half my childhood was in both decades. Half analog. Half digital. And still a millennial. I entered high school Grade 9 in , and graduated in But around the time I started school in Kindergarten, that signals me that I have become a kid and no longer a toddler at this time.

I was born in , I spend all of my time outside playing in the park, I had a tamagotchi, a furby and a game boy. I remember rewinding VHS tapes and cassettes, and watching the simpsoms and friends because my mom loved that show on tv. The last day of class before summer, we would always have a water-balloon fight in the park, and when in the beach we would play with magic mitts and they would get so full of sand that we had to throw them out. My favorite movie was the parent trap, and my sister and I would always fight over who would be the daughter while playing with sylvanian houses.

I am born in 85 and my memories start at I watched every episode of , sister sister, boy meets world, family matters, step by step, fresh prince. I can go on and on. I remember when nirvana debut on MTV. Nintendo was the thing. For girls there was mall madness and many other games like Trouble and Guess who. Adam Sandler made the Hanukkah song. Going to teen clubs. Shuffle dancing which is now coming back. Doin the running man and roger rabbit. What are you on about? Your definition makes someone legally an adult before the decade was even half gone.

Meanwhile it makes those who had their childhood years entirely in the 90s not 90s kids. I would never call myself an 80s kid cuz I was picking bugs from under rocks, and my nose for most of the 80s. And who could forget the mind-blowing features of the Game Boy Color once that arrived in ?

Needless to say, Nintendo could do no wrong back in the day. Along with the epic duels and even tournaments, if you were good enough , there were holographic cards, evolving monsters, endless merchandise options, and a TV series that brought Pikachu and his pals to life. Among all of the fantastic shows and movies of the '90s, there was nothing quite like the sitcoms. Each one had a character you could relate to and grow up with, serving up valuable life lessons along the way. No matter what you were watching or who with, you were guaranteed good, clean fun.

A lot of the footwear that became popular in the '90s catered to a younger demographic: jelly shoes, light-up sneakers, platform sandals, Floaties, and Heelys, to name a handful.

Most of those styles are totally wack now, but at the time, your shoes made your school hallways seem like catwalks. For a lot of kids, bowling felt like a sport only older people played—that is, until the lights were turned off and the lanes started glowing. In , bowling alleys became the coolest places around town thanks to Cosmic Bowling.

Fluorescent balls, black lights, loud music, and disco balls made it feel like you were at a kid-friendly club, especially if you were riding a Mountain Dew sugar high. Pop music had quite the heyday in the late '90s into the early s, as an abundance of boy bands and girl groups created absolute pandemonium with their good looks and catchy hooks. Were most of them completely manufactured and designed to make you fall in love? Did it totally work? You're darn right it did.

The songs were timeless, the dance moves flawless, and the fashion was positively iconic. Before required reading drove you crazy, there were tons of kids book series that you couldn't put down.

You thrived off of the adventures of Junie B. Jones and The Bailey School Kids , wished you had your own version of The Magic Treehouse, felt the heebie-jeebies reading Goosebumps , found your spirit animal with Animorphs , and bared your tighty-whities pretending to be Captain Underpants.

As long as you were wearing bright colors and obnoxious patterns in the '90s, you looked the part. It always felt like those stores knew what was up, showing us the way with the tee-under-the-tank look and the convertible pants that zip off into capris or shorts.

Champion also served up some pretty fly athletic wear back in the day, and Tommy Hilfiger jeans were all the rage. And if you simply wanted to fit in, there were plenty of windbreakers and baggy jeans to go around. Though this product has been distributed in the U. Lucky for '90s kids, the sugary goodness has prevailed into their drinking days: According to Thrillist, it serves as a great mixer for tequila, vodka, gin, Jack Daniel's, and even Fireball.

Kids these days may be driving around in mini BMWs and Lamborghinis, but '90s kids were the first generation to get the driving experience long before a license was within reach.

Plus, who wants a pint-sized Bentley when you could ride around in a hot pink Barbie Jeep? And for more nostalgia sent right to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. When live-action shows felt too real for kids, animated programs like The Magic School Bus , Arthur , and Blue's Clues offered plenty of entertaining tidbits that helped you grow. Who else was stoked for mail time?

Even live-action educational series, such as Out of the Box and Zoboomafoo , were focused on making you smile. Little did you know, you were simultaneously gaining knowledge about everything from handling bullies at school to properly caring for animals. Long before you could stream shows with the click of a button, there was much more planning that went into your family movie nights.

In fact, you had to get into your mom's minivan, drive to Blockbuster, and roam the racks until something spoke to you. If you were born in the year between , then you would want to listen up.

So to break down the years a little better, here a chart:. Instead, it matters about your personality. To explain that better, here is a perfect example: say that you are a 90s baby, but you love 80s hip-hop. What makes you an 80s baby or a 90s baby is what you can relate to more as a person, not what year you were born. Many kids born in the year know more history about the 80s than a person born in the 80s. People born in the s can embody the look from the 70s, and yes, that will make them a 70s baby.

Bright colors, high-waisted pants, old-style makeup, are all thing that was mainly fashionable in the 80s. So many people can dress in a different era than they were born in, which makes people so different.

To know the exact fashion of the 80s, click below to be directed to articles where I talked about it in more detail. The basic definition of an 80s baby is a person that was born in the 80s. But that definition has evolved so much lately because people that were born in the 80s act more differently than in their era. Meaning some people born in the early 80s act more like they were born in the s, as I mentioned previously.

So the primary definition now of an 80s baby is a person that embraces the 80s decade. That can reminisce about all the 80s gadgets they used to have back in the days. That can be recognized that they are an 80s baby and embrace it.


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