What type of sports are there in the olympics

Unlike other forms of Olympic swimming , marathon swimming is still relatively new. The sport made its Olympic debut back in , during the Summer Olympics held in Beijing. Long-distance swimming in a race format requires swimmers to have tremendous endurance and stamina, in order to maintain pace and ultimately come out on top.

First introduced to the Olympics in and available for both men and women, this is the most versatile event the Olympics has to offer, displaying an abundance of skills and abilities. Unlike other sports where competitors tend to train and focus on a select few skills, pentathlon athletes need to master skills used in a variety of completely different sports that have their own individual events in the Olympics.

As different bikes were being invented, sports utilizing these various bikes came to be. Mountain biking became popular in California back in the s and quickly spread internationally.

There has been a cross-country event for mountain biking since , during the Olympics held in Atlanta. Since its debut in Olympic competition, mountain biking has featured a cross country event for both men and women. These races are seven laps each, with a total distance of 2. Rhythmic Gymnastics is an event held for women only. It entails music, gymnastics techniques, different dance styles, and props hoops, balls, ribbons, ropes, etc.

These "props" are officially known as apparatuses, similar to other disciplines of gymnastics. This highly entertaining and quite impressive sport was added to the Summer Olympic Program in , after many years of being tested and perfected for the Olympic Games. In Olympic competition, scoring is decided based on both the difficulty and execution of each performance. The execution score is on a scale of , while the difficulty score is accumulated throughout the performance and doesn't come with any maximum score.

Cycling is a wildly popular activity, and the sport of cycling has a longstanding history of relevance in international competition. In fact, cycling is one of the few sports that has always been incorporated in the Summer Olympics. This specific version called road cycling is performed outdoors on different terrain and has been included in every Summer Olympic games since Participants race for the best times throughout a lengthy course with different ascents and descents.

There are a few different disciplines within road cycling that you can find at the Olympics, including individual road race, individual time trial, and team time trial.

Women's road cycling was added to the program in Rowing is another Olympic sport with a very rich history, particularly in relation to Ancient Greece. Before it was a sport, rowing was strictly used as a means of transportation in ancient civilizations like Greece, Egypt, and Rome. Rowing can be performed by individuals or in teams of two, four, or eight. It has been a part of almost all the Summer Olympic games since Ironically enough, this debut was actually called off due to poor weather conditions.

Rowing races include a boat and oars, with a focus on coordination and communication amongst teammates, making for a challenging and alluring sport. Rugby, often known as one of the tougher and more physical team sports featured in Olympic competition, is yet another popular team sport featured in the Summer Olympics. Rugby involves passing backwards to teammates and kicking the ball forwards for teammates to chase, with the intention of disorienting the defense and creating gaps in the opposition to run up field.

Similar to the end zone in football , rugby features a try line that players attempt to carry the ball over in order to score points. Each "try" is worth five points, and the team with the most points at the end of regulation time wins. Before the summer Olympics, Rugby had not been in the program since Interestingly, rugby has a few variations on how it is played.

While rugby union 15 players on each team was played in the Summer Olympics in previous years, rugby sevens seven players on each team playing seven-minute halves has been far more consistently included in the Olympics. The only Olympic games in which rugby union has been included are the , , , and iterations. Sailing has evolved from a mode of transportation, to leisure activity, and now to a competitive sport in the Olympics. Sailing became a part of the Olympic program in , and was originally called "yachting".

There were new versions included in the Summer Olympics for both men and women. Sailing events are intricately designed for certain waters, boats, and sailing angles. Not only do contestants compete against one another, they also have to battle large waves, wind, and other weather factors. For hundreds of years, shooting has been a popular sport. Shooting in the Olympic program has 15 total events split between men and women, in addition to mixed team events.

There are three main disciplines of shooting in the Olympics: rifle, pistol, and shotgun. Rifle and pistol feature competitors shooting at fixed targets, while contestants in shotgun shoot at moving targets. The combination of different guns and different ranges make for an exciting event in the Summer Olympics.

Skateboarding, a sport often known for its rebellious nature and strong ties to youth participants, made its debut in the Tokyo Olympics. Skateboarders ride their boards, performing various tricks and stunts by utilizing obstacles and objects in the field of play.

Skateboarding offers men's and women's events in both the park and street disciplines of the sport. The first iteration of Olympic skateboarding garnered massive media attention from its collection of athletes who earned medals, three of which were just 13 years of age.

One of these young competitors, Momiji Nishiya of Japan, even won the gold medal in the women's street skateboarding event. This insanely popular team sport made its Olympic debut back in during the Olympic Games held in Paris. Since , the only Summer Olympics to not include soccer was the Olympics held in Los Angeles. With the roots of this sport being one of the oldest in the world, it has become one of the most beloved and watched Summer Olympic events globally.

Evolving through time, each men's and women's soccer team includes eleven players on the field and a common objective of scoring the highest number of goals. Surfing has long been prevalent in pop culture, however the sport finally reached Olympic competition at the Tokyo Olympics.

This was done with the intention of tapping into a new, younger demographic and getting more people interested in the Olympics as a whole. The early rounds of surfing consisted of four person heats, while later rounds feature two person heats. Each surfer has 30 minutes to ride up to 25 waves, and will be scored based on the quality of maneuvers performed.

The art of swimming has been around for many years. However, over time, swimming has turned into one of the most competitive sports in the world. Swimming made its Olympic debut in at the first modern Olympic Games. Many swimmers compete in multiple events, giving them the chance to win more than one medal. Men's and women's swimming competitions are almost identical, entailing the same strokes, teams, and events. The only major difference between men's and women's swimming is in the length of the freestyle event.

Similar to tennis, table tennis in the Summer Olympics includes both men's and women's singles and team competitions. This intense game has the most participants in the world due to its high accessibility.

Points are scored when one competitor fails to return the ball back to their opponent's side of the table or commits a fault. Each such instance is worth one point, and the first competitor to 11 points wins. Table tennis can be watched or played from the comfort of one's own home, making it a highly accessible sport. While it may seem like a relatively mundane sport by Olympic standards, professional table tennis players can send balls flying at speeds upwards of km per hour.

Derived from Korean martial arts , Taekwondo has spread globally and is now practiced all over the world. Taekwondo's first incorporation into the Olympics was strictly as a demonstration sport back in during the Olympic Games held in Seoul. Taekwondo officially became a part of the Summer Olympics as a medal sport in , with events for both men and women. It is an art of "kicking and punching", ultimately to break down and "conquer" one's opponent.

In fact, the term Taekwondo carries a literal translation to "the art or way of kicking and punching. What started as a game played with a ball and the palm of one's hand turned into an international competitive sport. Tennis consists of two or four players using specially designed rackets to serve and volley a ball over a net at mid-court.

Olympic tennis matches are played in a best-of-three sets format, with each set being first-to-6 games wins. The Summer Olympics holds both men's and women's single and double tennis events, along with a mixed doubles event. Tennis has now been consistently in the Olympic program since Track cycling is performed on an indoor wooden track. An entertaining and rather simplistic concept, track cycling races were a part of the inaugural Olympic Games in Track cycling has only been left out of the Olympics once, in , since.

In recent years, the event has been offered to both men and women. This Olympic sport has featured a variety of events at various Olympic Games since its original inclusion, including sprint, time trial, over one kilometer, tandem, and team pursuit.

Trampoline was first used by astronauts and athletes for training purposes. The original inventors of the trampoline, George Nissen and Larry Griswold, also pictured the trampoline being used in a sport they tabbed "Spaceball". With World Cups and Olympic qualifying taking place since Rio, its time for a football soccer reset. The sport of handball combines elements of basketball and football soccer.

The ball is moved by either passing or dribbling up and down a court. Unlike basketball, players do not shoot the ball into a hoop; rather they attempt to throw the ball past a goaltender guarding a football-like net. Handball took a hiatus from Olympic competition until Germany once again held the Games in , this time in Munich.

The Olympics have allowed countless judokas around the world to become household names since judo was first added to the program in Karate is a new sport to the Olympic program and will make its debut at the Tokyo Games. Before being added to the Tokyo Olympic program, karate had two unsuccessful attempts to gain entry to the Olympics it was considered for both the London and Rio Olympic programs. The modern pentathlon from the Greek word pente consists of five disciplines, including fencing , swimming , equestrian , and a combined event involving m cross-country running and laser pistol.

One of the most physically demanding Olympic sports, rowing is all about endurance. With each race metres long, rowers reach anywhere between 40 and 47 strokes per minute. With many different events, the number of competitors per boat, as well as the type of rowing varies. There are two different types of rowing: sweeping and sculling. Sweeping, much like the name suggests, requires the use of one oar, with the athlete only rowing on one side of the boat.

Sculling, in turn, requires the use of two oars, one in each hand. The biggest multi-sport event in the world has returned, this time in Tokyo, Japan. The first-ever Olympic games happened in Athens, Greece in BC with only one event — a yard footrace. But in the first Modern Olympics in , there were a total of nine sports consisting of 43 events. Since then, the number of sports and events has only increased.

The latest Tokyo edition features 33 sports and events which means that there will be 18 events and athletes more than any previous Olympic games. Here is the list of all sports in Olympics:. Olympic Games: Aquatics events in Tokyo can be broadly categorized into two: Swimming and Diving. In swimming, there are individual events like freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and medley ranging through 50, , , , , and meters for both men and women. Diving also has two different categories for both men and women, 3m springboard and 10m platform.

This is the list of all events in athletics :. Singles, Doubles, and Mixed doubles. Olympic Games: Only six teams compete in the baseball tournament in Tokyo Men have three extra categories apart from these — Light heavyweight, heavyweight, and super heavyweight. Both have C events which are Canoeing and K events which are Kayaking. Canoe Slalom is an individual event while Canoe Sprint has both individual and team events.

Moreover, team events are split into two — 2-a-team and 4-a-team categories. Feb 23, Of course we'll remember you, Tyson! Are you going to be an Olympic speed skater? I like to watch the Olympics. My favorite sport is skiing. Feb 22, That's awesome, irvaaaa!

What is your favorite part about skiing? Hud Feb 21, Feb 14, It is a lot of fun to watch the Olympics! What is your favorite sport to watch? That was awesome to watch, Noah! Did you watch Shaun White win the gold? Wonder Friend Feb 13, Feb 15, Feb 13, Carlos Feb 13, That's awesome, Carlos! Are you having fun watching the Olympics? Tyson Feb 13, Thanks for sharing, leland!! It is amazing how fast they go!

What is your favorite Olympic event? Molly Mrs. Thomsans class Feb 12, Reagan Mrs. Thompsons' Class Feb 12, Braxton Feb 12, Why did they remove rugby from the olympics for 92 years. Anonymous Feb 12, Thanks, Anonymous! Hi, anton!! What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch?

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