What was area 51 made for

The mysticism behind Area51, the story, the secrets, the people, especially involving military testing of new weapons Area51 Electronics was then created, where we help Earthlings find the electronic components they need.

We are a global distributor of components specializing in authorized manufacturer lines, while also carrying the advantage of being an independent distributor of hard-to-find obsolete end-of-life verified components. Our customer service is out of this world -- as we bring only the best quality products to you. Home Behind the Area51 Name. These reports were, in large part, coming from airline pilots flying from east to west at dusk.

They reported seeing fiery disks, flying saucers , at altitudes "too high" for any man-made plane. At the time, as far as the public knew, even the most advanced military aircraft flew below altitudes of 40, feet. Once all the notes had been compared, civilians were told they were witnessing a "weather phenomenon.

Decades later, one man's unsubstantiated claims would solidify what many people already suspected. In the interview, Lazar claimed he and others had been stationed at a base in the Nevada desert called "Sector 4.

He said that they were working to reverse-engineer an antimatter reactor-powered alien spaceship. No record of Lazar ever being employed by any government or military organization has ever been found.

The existence of the base became America's worst-kept secret in the mids. Though passing references to the base had appeared in the media before, the first major Hollywood production to specifically feature the base was the summer blockbuster turned cult classic, "Independence Day. More recently, it was social media that brought attention to Area In June , year-old college student Matty Roberts decided to create a Facebook event.

Roberts didn't think anyone would give the event, which he created as a joke, more than a passing chuckle. But within a few days, more than 2 million Facebook users chimed in to "confirm" their attendance. The Air Force issued a stern warning discouraging people from trying to gain access to a military base. Despite the warnings, around 1, people packed their campers and headed into the Nevada desert with your standard, alien-centric festival kit: Roswell-inspired onesies, inflatable aliens and the like.

Forty bold individuals did make it as far as the outskirts of the base, but they mostly just chanted for a while and then dispersed when confronted by law enforcement. One arrest was made for public urination. That's about all we know about Area In August , the Pentagon announced the formation of a new task force to better understand the nature and origin of such reports.

In , the Pentagon admitted that it had been running a secret multi-million dollar program to investigate UFOs for years. Known military aircraft could get to 40, feet, and some believed manned flight couldn't go any higher than that. The U-2, flying at altitudes in excess of 60, feet, would've looked completely alien. Naturally, Air Force officials knew the majority of these unexplained sightings were U-2 tests, but they were not allowed to reveal these details to the public.

So, "natural phenomena" or "high-altitude weather research" became go-to explanations for UFO sightings, including in when Gary Powers' U-2 was shot down over Russia. What's also interesting about the most recent report is that it confirms Area 51's existence. While the version does have significant redactions when referencing the name and location of the U-2 test site, the nearly un-redacted version from reveals much more, including multiple references to Area 51, Groom Lake, and even a map of the area.

U-2 operations halted in the late s, but other top secret military aircrafts continued tests at Area You got folks claiming it's extraterrestrial when it's really good old American know-how. And it's still going on today The flights are ongoing. In September , an Air Force Lt. It seems he was most likely flying a foreign jet obtained by the United States. Even so, the alien conspiracies gained ground in when Bob Lazar claimed in an interview on Las Vegas local news that he'd seen aliens and had helped to reverse-engineer alien spacecrafts while working at the base.

Many have disregarded this as fiction and are even offended at the notion, including Merlin, who has spent years talking with former Area 51 engineers and employees angered by all the fuss about E. Today, Area 51 is still very much in use.

According to Google Earth , new construction and expansions are continuously happening. On most early mornings, eagle-eyed visitors can spot strange lights in the sky moving up and down. No, it's not a UFO.

It's actually the semi-secret contract commuter airline using the call-sign "Janet" that transports workers from Las Vegas's McCarran Airport to the base. As for what's happening these days in America's most secretive military base, few know for sure. Merlin has some educated guesses, including improved stealth technology, advanced weapons, electronic warfare systems and, in particular, unmanned aerial vehicles. Chris Pocock, noted U-2 historian and author of several books about the matter , told Popular Mechanics he thinks classified aircraft, more exotic forms of radio communication, directed energy weapons, and lasers are currently under development at the base.

While the visit does not offer the chance to tour Area 51 itself, you can definitely get a sense for its Martian-esque terrain while piloting your own vessel around the surrounding wilderness.

The day trips launch daily out of Las Vegas and include lunch, snacks, personalized photography tips, and more Area 51 stories and lore than you can shake your antennae at. The perimeter of the military base is marked with orange posts and patrolled by heavily armed guards with zero tolerance for would-be tourists or B. Is the truth really out there? Visit Website.


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